Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

Courses of Instruction

This section lists and describes all undergraduate and graduate courses taught by the departments of the university. The courses are presented by subject area and arranged in departmental order, alphabetically. The subject name (the heading in large type) is followed by the subject area code in parentheses.

Courses of Instruction

By Subject

Accounting - ACCT
Adult Education - ADED
Aerospace Engineering - AERO
Aerospace Studies (AFROTC) - AIRF
African American and Africana Studies - AAAS
Agricultural Economics - AGEC
Agriculture - AGRI
Animal Sciences - ANSC
Anthropology - ANTH
Applied Biotechnology - APBT
Architecture - ARCH
Art - ARTS
Auburn Global - GLOB
Aviation Management - AVMG
Biochemistry - BCHE
Biological & Agricultural Technology Management - BATM
Biology - BIOL
Biomaterials and Packaging - BIOP
Biosystems Engineering - BSEN
Building Science - BSCI
Business Administration - BUSI
Business Analytics - BUAL
Career and Technical - CTCT
Chemical Engineering - CHEN
Chemistry - CHEM
Civil Engineering - CIVL
Communication - COMM
Communication and Journalism - CMJN
Community and Civic Engagement - CCEN
Community Planning - CPLN
Computer Science - CPSC
Computer Science & Software Engineering - COMP
Consumer and Design Sciences - CADS
Cooperative Education - COOP
Counselor Education, Counseling Psychology - COUN
Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences - CSES
Drug and Biopharmaceutical Sciences - DBPS
Drug Discovery and Development - DRDD
Early Childhood Education - CTEC
Earth System Science - ESSI
Economics - ECON
Educational Leadership - EDLD
Educational Media - EDMD
Educational Psychology - EPSY
Educational Research Methods & Analysis - ERMA
Electrical and Computer Engineering - ELEC
Elementary Education - CTEE
Engineering - ENGR
English - ENGL
English for Speakers of Other Languages - CTES
Entomology - ENTM
Entrepreneurship and Family Business - ENFB
Environmental Design - ENVD
Environmental Science - ENVI
Exploratory - EXPL
Finance - FINC
Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences - FISH
Flight Education - AVMF
Food Science - FDSC
Forest Engineering - FOEN
Forest Products - FOPR
Forestry - FORY
Forestry & Wildlife Sciences - FOWS
Foundations of Education - FOUN
Geography - GEOG
Geology - GEOL
Geospatial and Environmental Informatics - GSEI
Global Studies/Human Sciences - GSHS
Graduate Studies - GRAD
Graphic Design - GDES
Health Administration - HADM
Health Outcomes Research & Policy - HORP
Higher Education Administration - HIED
History - HIST
Honor - HONR
Horticulture - HORT
Hospitality Management - HOSP
Human Development & Family Science - HDFS
Human Resource Management - HRMN
Human Sciences, General - HUSC
Industrial & Systems Engineering - INSY
Industrial Design - INDD
Information Systems Management - ISMN
Interdepartmental Education - EDUC
Interdepartmental Pharmacy - PYDI
Interdisciplinary Studies - IDSC
Interior Architecture - ARIA
International Programs-Special Topics - INTL
Journalism - JRNL
Journalism - Sports Production - JRSP
Kinesiology - KINE
Laboratory Science - LBSC
Landscape Architecture - LAND
Leadership - LEAD
Liberal Arts, General - LBAR
Management - MNGT
Marketing - MKTG
Materials Engineering - MATL
Mathematics - MATH
Mechanical Engineering - MECH
Media Studies - Film - FILM
Media Studies - MDIA
Middle School Education - CTMD
Military Science (AROTC) - MILS
Music - Applied - MUAP
Music - MUSI
Music Education - CTMU
Music Ensemble - MUSE
Natural Resources Management - NATR
Naval Science (NROTC) - NAVS
Nursing - NURS
Nutrition - NTRI
Parks and Recreation - PARK
Pharmacy (PharmD) - PYPD
Philosophy - PHIL
Physical Education - PHED
Physics - PHYS
Plant Pathology - PLPA
Political Science - POLI
Polymer & Fiber Engineering - PFEN
Poultry Science - POUL
Psychology - PSYC
Public and One Health - PAOH
Public Relations Communication - PRCM
Reading Education - CTRD
Real Estate Development - RDEV
Rehabilitation & Special Education - RSED
Religion - RELG
Rural Sociology - RSOC
Sciences & Math - SCMH
Secondary Education - CTSE
Social Work - SOWO
Sociology - SOCY
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences - SLHS
Statistics - STAT
Supply Chain Management - SCMN
Sustainability Studies - SUST
Theatre - THEA
Undergraduate Studies - UNDG
University Courses - UNIV
Veterinary Medicine - Biomedical Sciences - VBMS
Veterinary Medicine - VMED
Wildlife Sciences - WILD
Women's Studies - WMST
World Language - Arabic - FLAR
World Languages - Asian Culture - FLAS
World Languages - Chinese - FLCN
World Languages - FLNG
World Languages - French - FLFR
World Languages - German - FLGR
World Languages - Global Cultures - FLGC
World Languages - Greek - FLGK
World Languages - Italian - FLIT
World Languages - Japanese - FLJP
World Languages - Korean - FLKN
World Languages - Latin - FLLN
World Languages - Russian - FLRU
World Languages - Spanish - FLSP