Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

Environmental Conservation and Management (ENVC)

The Environmental Conservation and Management (ENVC) degree, formerly known as the Natural Resources Management (NATR) degree, prepares students to understand and manage various natural resources in the context of laws, policies, and societal needs. The curriculum provides students with knowledge and ability to manage multiple resource management issues, such as water and aquatic environments, coastal lands, ecological restoration, and urban environments.

The objectives of the program are to provide students with:
  1. Understanding of the functioning of ecosystems, including their structure, processes, and interactions among living organisms and their environment.
  2. Understanding of the economic principles and tools used in the management of natural resources.
  3. Knowledge of the legal and policy frameworks governing natural resource management at local, national, and international levels, including environmental regulations, land use planning, and conservation policies.
  4. Knowledge of sustainable practices for the management and conservation of natural resources.

This major includes environmental conservation and management courses related to the core learning objectives, plus a required minor degree that allows students to concentrate their coursework on one of many diverse nature-based careers. Minors that can be paired with the degree among others on campus, include:

  • Coastal Management
  • Environmental Law
  • Forest Health
  • Forest Seedling Nursery Management
  • Natural Resources Ecology
  • Urban Forestry
  • Watershed Sciences
BIOL 1020 Principles of Biology
   & BIOL 1021 Principles of Biology Laboratory
4BIOL 1030 Organismal Biology
   & BIOL 1031 Organismal Biology Laboratory
FOWS 1010 Introduction to Renewable Natural Resources1ENGL 1120 English Composition II3
Fine Arts3History or Social Science13
History3NATR 2020 Natural Resources Field Methods3
ENGL 1100 English Composition I3NATR 2050 People and the Environment: An Introduction to Conservation Social Sciences3
 14 16
BIOL 3060 Ecology4Literature or Humanities13
CHEM 1030 Fundamentals Chemistry I3CHEM 1040 Fundamental Chemistry II3
PARK 3010 Environmental Interpretation3CHEM 1041 Fundamental Chemistry II Laboratory1
CHEM 1031 Fundamental Chemistry I Laboratory1ECON 2020 Principles of Microeconomics3
Literature13MATH 1130 Pre-Calculus Trigonometry3
 14 16
FORY 5470 GIS Applications in Natural Resources2FORY 5480 GIS Database Design and Analysis2
FORY 3010 Forest Soils3Minor6
FORY 3100 Dendrology3Restricted Management Elective23
Minor3STAT 2510 Statistics for Biological and Health Sciences or 2010 Statistics for Social and Behavior Sciences3
Free Electives5 
 16 14
Minor 3Minor3
Restricted Management Elective23Restricted Management Elective23
NATR 5310 Environmental Ethics3NATR 5630 Conservation Planning3
FOWS 5270 Natural Resource Policy3UNIV 4AA0 Achieve the Creed0
NATR 5880 Ecological Economics3NATR 5430 Human Dimensions of Wildlife and Natural Resources3
 Free Elective3
 15 15
Total Hours: 120

 Students must complete either a history or literature sequence.


See College for a current list of Restricted Electives.