Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

Interdisciplinary Studies (IDSC)

The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary University Studies allows students to attain a broad education and acquire diverse skill sets unique to a profession they desire to enter. Students seeking an interdisciplinary university studies degree have the opportunity to create a personalized academic program by customizing a curriculum that demonstrates proficiency in broad skills as well as discipline-specific knowledge.

Students may be admitted as freshmen. For progression to Advanced Interdisciplinary Problem Solving (IDSC 3210), a student must first (1) complete Life, Career, and Everything (IDSC 1010 ) with a grade of C or better, (2) complete Foundations of Interdisciplinary University Studies (IDSC 2190 ) with a grade of C or better, and (3) complete an approved individualized curriculum plan. Students with more than 90 hours of coursework must receive special permission to be admitted to the major.

Students must also earn a grade of C or better in Public Speaking (COMM 1000 ), and in one advanced written communication class to be selected from Writing in Law and Justice (ENGL 3020 ), Technical Writing (ENGL 3040 ), Writing in the Health Professions (ENGL 3060 ), Business Writing (ENGL 3080 ) or Advanced Composition (ENGL 4000 ). Students may elect to use COMM 1000  to meet 3 hours of the Humanities Core requirements. Students must take IDSC 3210 before they will be allowed to take the Capstone course. IDSC 3210  cannot be taken until the student has passed IDSC 2190  with a grade of C or better. All students must also complete a capstone experience (IDSC 4930  or IDSC 4920 ) with a grade of C or better. In the capstone experience, students integrate acquired knowledge through a research project (IDSC 4930 ), or an internship program (IDSC 4920 ). Students must earn 3 hours of capstone credit and may earn a maximum of 6 hours of capstone credit. Students electing to take the capstone course twice must use elective hours for the additional three hours.

The student creates two or three identifiable areas of emphasis using coursework from two or three different schools or colleges. The emphases must have a total of 45 hours of approved coursework. A student identifying two areas of emphasis must have at least 21 hours of coursework in one emphasis (the majority of which is from one college or school) and up to 24 hours in the other (the majority of which is from the second college or school) for a total of 45 hours. A student identifying three areas of emphasis must have 15 hours of coursework in each emphasis. For two- or three emphasis plans, at least 27 of the 45 hours must be at or above the 3000 level. Students may use existing minors in their emphasis areas or they may work with the departmental representative in a specific area to develop an emphasis. Minors used in emphases become part of the interdisciplinary studies degree and will not be listed on the official transcript or the diploma. Note that the IDSC faculty review committee will not approve a combination of minors or areas of emphasis that substantially recreates an existing degree program in those areas.

Interdisciplinary University Studies

Auburn University Core Curriculum 141-42
Major Coursework 2
Interdisciplinary Foundations and Capstone12
Life, Career, and Everything 3
Foundations of Interdisciplinary University Studies 3
Advanced Interdisciplinary Problem Solving 3
Interdisciplinary Capstone Experience 3
Interdisciplinary Capstone Experience
Advanced Written Communication 43
Individual Plan of Study incorporating multiple emphases 545
Minimum Hours120

COMM 1000 must be used to satisfy 3 hours of Humanities in the Core Curriculum.


Major course hours are used to calculate the GPA in the major.


Must earn a C or better in each IDSC course. Students must earn a C or better in lower level IDSC courses to successfully progress to upper level IDSC courses. 


Must earn a C or better in one of the following: ENGL 3020, ENGL 3040, ENGL 3060, ENGL 3080, ENGL 4000


The Individual Plan of Study will include a total of 45 hours selected across two emphases (at least 21 hours in one emphasis and no more than 24 hours in the second emphasis) or across three emphases (each with at least 15 hours). Emphases must be selected from at least two different Schools or Colleges. A plan of study substantially recreating an existing degree program in a School or College will not be approved.  See the IDSC Advisor for other requirements associated with two- and three-emphases plans of study.