Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

Environmental Sciences (ENVI)

The Environmental Science program, like the rather broad field of environmental science, is by its very nature highly interdisciplinary. Although the College of Agriculture administers the program through the Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering and the College of Sciences and Mathematics are partners in developing the curriculum, guiding student development and providing instruction.

Environmental quality issues are often complex and significant expertise in physics, chemistry, biology, soil science and geology is needed to understand specific problems. Moreover, formulating solutions often requires mathematical expertise as well as specific knowledge of the air, water, and soil environments. Thus, the program is structured to educate environmental scientists broadly, but with considerable depth.

The program is specifically tailored to produce graduates who can enter and have a reasonable expectation of success in a field that is continually changing. The principal educational goals are to provide each student with a broad-based general education, a solid background in mathematics, physical science, and biological science, breadth of exposure to the environmental science field, and depth of knowledge in a specific area of environmental science of choice.

The curriculum is organized around a core set of courses that are required of all students. Students desiring to specialize may select from courses, called professional track electives, that emphasize environmental applications of biological science, physical science, soil science, or engineering science.

ENVI 1010 Introduction to Environmental Science11ENGL 1120 English Composition II3
CHEM 1030 Fundamentals Chemistry I
   & CHEM 1031 Fundamental Chemistry I Laboratory
4ENVI 1020 Fundamentals of Environmental Science3
ENGL 1100 English Composition I3BIOL 1020 Principles of Biology
   & BIOL 1021 Principles of Biology Laboratory
Core History 13CHEM 1040 Fundamental Chemistry II
   & CHEM 1041 Fundamental Chemistry II Laboratory
MATH 1610 Calculus I4Core History 23
 15 17
BIOL 1030 Organismal Biology
   & BIOL 1031 Organismal Biology Laboratory
4CHEM 2030 Survey of Organic Chemistry3
PHYS 1500 General Physics I4STAT 2510 Statistics for Biological and Health Sciences3
GEOL 1100 Dynamic Earth4PHYS 1510 General Physics II4
COMM 1000 Public Speaking3GEOL 2100 Environmental Geology4
 15 14
BIOL 3200 General Microbiology3CHEM 3050 Analytical Chemistry
   & CHEM 3051 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
BIOL 3201 General Microbiology Laboratory1Professional Track24
FORY 5470 GIS Applications in Natural Resources2CIVL 5210 Chemical Principles of Environmental Engineering or 4210 Water and Wastewater Treatment and Design3
CSES 2040 Basic Soil Science4BIOL 3060 Ecology4
Professional Track26 
 16 15
ENVI 4950 Environmental Science Senior Seminar2Professional Track27
Professional Track24Core Social Science33
ECON 2020 Principles of Microeconomics3Core Literature3
Core Fine Arts3UNIV 4AA0 Achieve the Creed0
CSES 5000 Environmental Quality3PHIL 1020 Introduction to Ethics3
 15 16
Total Hours: 123

Courses in boldface type are major courses and require a 2.0 minimum GPA for graduation.


Professional Track - see adviser for approved course listing.


Student will choose from the following: ANTH 1000, GEOG 1010/GEOG 1017, PSYC 2010, SOCY 1000/SOCY 1007, or UNIV 2720.