Entrepreneurship and Family Business - ENFB
ENFB 3140 ESSENTIALS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ECON 2020 or ECON 2027 or ECON 2030 or ECON 2033 or ECON 2037. The application of basic business principles to the entrepreneurial environment.
ENFB 4160 FAMILY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ENFB 3140 or ENFB 4140. Study of aspects of managing an established family business, on a day-to-day basis, and of planning for succession to the next generation.
ENFB 4170 MANAGING ENTREPRENEURIAL START-UPS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ENFB 3140 or ENFB 4140. Study of aspects of managing and marketing concepts and processes that can be utilized to launch new ventures or a new division within an existing business.
ENFB 4180 GROWTH STRATEGIES FOR EMERGING COMPANIES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ENFB 3140 or ENFB 4140. Study of the important aspects of starting and managing a franchise business.
ENFB 4190 NEW VENTURE CREATION (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ENFB 3140 or ENFB 4140. Analysis of industrial, competitive, market and financial aspects of starting a business.
ENFB 4200 BUSINESS PLAN FOR THE NEW VENTURE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ENFB 3140 or ENFB 4140. Application of business principles to a practical, hands-on project.
ENFB 4210 CORPORATE VENTURING-ENTREPRENEURS IN ORGANIZATIONS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ENFB 3140 or ENFB 4140. Study of the entrepreneurial process as it applies to the operations of a department or functional area within an established organization.
ENFB 4920 INTERNSHIP (1-6) INT. Pr. 2.50 GPA. Departmental approval. Approval by departmental internship program committee. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
ENFB 4950 SEMINAR IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND FAMILY BUSINESS (3) LEC. 3. This seminar covers emerging issues in entrepreneurship. Prequisite: ENFB 3140 or Departmental Approval. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
ENFB 4970 SPECIAL TOPICS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP & FAMILY BUSINESS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ENFB 3140 or Departmental approval. This course covers current topics in entrepreneurship and family business. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
ENFB 5900 DIRECTED STUDIES (1-3) IND. SU. Departmental approval. Independent study on current topics in management. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
ENFB 5960 SPECIAL PROBLEMS (1-3) IND. Departmental approval. Independent study investigating current literature in management. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
ENFB 6900 DIRECTED STUDIES (1-3) IND. SU. Independent study on current topics in management. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.
ENFB 6960 SPECIAL PROBLEMS (3) DSL/IND. Departmental approval. General management theories, practices, and functions in industry and business. Individual work with a designated faculty member. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.