Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

Sociology - SOCY


SOCY 1000 SOCIOLOGY: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE (3) LEC. 3. Social Science I Core. Introduction to the study of social and cultural patterns of society.

SOCY 1007 HONORS SOCIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. Honors College. Social Science I Core. Introduction to the study of social and cultural patterns in society.

SOCY 1050 AUBURN IN THE WORLD: SOCIETY AND CULTURE (4) LEC. 4. Auburn Global students. Part of the Auburn Global International Accelerator Program. The course will introduce students to American society and culture through core sociological concepts. May count either SOCY 1050 or HIST 1000.

SOCY 1100 CURRENT ISSUES IN RACE AND ETHNICITY (3) LEC. 3. An exploration of how race and ethnicity shape our daily lives and the world around us.

SOCY 2000 SOCIAL ISSUES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1003 or SOCY 1007. Exploration of the claims and conflicts of public issues and moral apprehensions, including crime, the environment, gender and racial inequality, various syndromes.

SOCY 2050 CRIME AND JUSTICE IN AMERICA (3) LEC. 3. Distribution and measurement of crime, different variations in criminal behavior, and handling crime in the American criminal justice system.

SOCY 2100 POPULATION AND SOCIETY (3) LEC. 3. Survey of theories and research of demographic processes and their interaction with the economy, education, family, medicine, science, and technology.

SOCY 2200 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES (3) LEC. 3. Examination of collective influences on the person and the role the person plays in sustaining collective conditions.

SOCY 3000 CRIMINOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Examination of etiological issues related to crime; major theories of crime causation from a wide variety of perspectives.

SOCY 3100 POLICE AND SOCIETY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1003 or SOCY 1007 or Departmental approval. Sociological overview of policing and current issues that relate to the police.

SOCY 3200 SPORTS IN AMERICA (3) LEC. 3. Sociological perspectives on sports in the social system; organization and culture of sports in relationship to social class, race, and gender; and the interconnections between sports and society.

SOCY 3250 SENTENCING AND CORRECTIONS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1003 or SOCY 1007 or Departmental approval. In-depth analysis of sentencing policies and the correction system.

SOCY 3300 SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY (3) LEC. 3. Family as a major social institution, with emphasis on the American family; cross-cultural comparisons for perspective.

SOCY 3500 SOCIAL INEQUALITIES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1003 or SOCY 1007. Exploration of the sources and uses of minority representations in the United States addressing inequalities such as race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation.

SOCY 3550 DELINQUENCY AND JUVENILE JUSTICE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1003 or SOCY 1007. Nature and distribution of delinquency in the United States, as well as the various components of the juvenile justice system.

SOCY 3600 UNDERSTANDING NATURE, SELF, AND SOCIETY (3) LEC. 3. The course examines the intersection between nature, self, and society, and draws on sociological scholarship and nature writing. Through readings, class conversations, imaginative writing reflections, and short field trips, students will be able to critically interrogate our social relationship with nature and study the social dynamics that shape the meanings we attach to nature. Credit will not be given to both SOCY 3600 and SUST 3600.

SOCY 3700 METHODS OF SOCIAL RESEARCH (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1003 or SOCY 1007. Methodological approaches to data collection used by social scientists including logic of science, hypothesis formation, and research design.

SOCY 4000 SOCIALIZATION (3) LEC. 3. Examination of mind, self, society, and interaction as symbolic phenomena grounded in social process; covers major intellectual influences, concepts, and figures.

SOCY 4100 DEVIANCE (3) LEC. 3. Analysis of creation and reaction to deviance through theoretical approaches; examines several deviant groups.

SOCY 4200 HEALTH AND SOCIETY (3) LEC. 3. Nature and organization of medical practice and health delivery systems with special attention to the role of physicians, patients, and disease and to the relationship between culture, politics, and health.

SOCY 4300 FIELD INSTRUCTION (3) LEC. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. Supplementary instruction concurrent with experience in some field of work involving application of sociological perspectives to community life. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SOCY 4400 CONTEMPORARY THEORY (3) LEC. 3. Survey of theorists from Comte to the present, emphasizing theory construction, theoretical analysis, and differences in theoretical approaches.

SOCY 4700 THEORIES OF CRIME AND CRIMINALITY (3) LEC. 3. Theories of crime causation with emphasis on theory construction, theory analysis, and differences in theoretical approaches.

SOCY 4920 APPLIED SOCIOLOGY: INTERNSHIP (3) INT/LEC. Pr. SOCY 3500 or SOCY 3700 or ANTH 2000. Departmental approval. Internship in an organization or agency with the goal of learning how to use sociological knowledge in an applied setting. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SOCY 4960 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN SOCIOLOGY (3) AAB/IND. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. Independent reading program under supervision, to allow pursuit of specific interests in sociology not covered in other course offerings. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SOCY 4970 SPECIAL TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Junior standing. Advanced topics in population and ecology, social structure, social institutions, socialization, religion, or other timely topics related to sociology. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SOCY 5120 CRITICAL THINKING AND STRUCTURED ANALYSIS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007 or Departmental approval. Exploration of various methodological and analytical issues related to critical thinking and structured analysis.

SOCY 5200 SOCIOLOGY OF LAW (3) LEC. 3. Controversial and contemporary issues in criminal law from a sociological perspective.

SOCY 5300 INFORMATION METHODS AND CYBER ANALYSIS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007) and SOCY 5120 or Departmental approval. Overview of various methods and techniques of open source information analysis in the private and public sectors.

SOCY 5310 ADVANCED METHODS OF INFORMATION AND CYBER ANALYSIS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007) and SOCY 5120 or Departmental approval. Application of methods and techniques of information analysis and related report writing.

SOCY 5400 SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL HEALTH (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007. Social analysis of the nature, development, identification, and treatment of mental illness. Credit with not be given for both SOCY 5400 and SOCY 6400.

SOCY 5500 VICTIMOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Impact of victimization upon the crime victim, offender, and society, as well as the dynamics of the victim-offender relationship. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5500 and SOCY 6500.

SOCY 5600 SEX CRIMES (3) LEC. 3. Criminal sexual behavior, the social influences on what is defined as sexually deviant, and the ways the criminal justice system handles sex offenders. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5600 and SOCY 6600.

SOCY 5650 DRUGS AND SOCIETY (3) LEC. 3. Context and correlates of drug use, relationship with crime and delinquency, and societal reaction to drug abuse. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5650 and SOCY 6650.

SOCY 5670 SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007. Social definitions and implications of gender, with emphasis on work, media, law, and interpersonal relationships. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5670 and SOCY 6670.

SOCY 5680 SOCIAL MOVEMENTS (3) LEC. Pr. P/C SOCY 1000 or P/C SOCY 1007. Exploration of social movements as collective action leading to different forms of social change. Topics covered include the origins, dynamics and consequences of major social movements, including movements for civil rights, women's rights, disability access, sustainability, etc.

SOCY 5690 SOCIOLOGY OF EMOTIONS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. P/C SOCY 1000 or P/C SOCY 1007. Examination of the social dimensions of emotions. The emotional phenomena covered include love, empathy, anger, sadness, shame, fear, joy, happiness, and gratitude.

SOCY 5970 SPECIAL TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. Study of substantive areas sociology. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5970 and SOCY 6970. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SOCY 6120 CRITICAL THINKING AND STRUCTURED ANALYSIS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007 or Departmental approval. Exploration of various methodological and analytical issues related to critical thinking and structured analysis. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5120 and SOCY 6120.

SOCY 6200 SOCIOLOGY OF LAW (3) LEC. 3. Controversial and contemporary issues in criminal law from a sociological perspective. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5200 and SOCY 6200.

SOCY 6300 INFORMATION METHODS AND CYBER ANALYSIS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007 and (SOCY 5120 or SOCY 6120) or Departmental approval. Overview of various methods and techniques of open source information analysis in the private and public sectors. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5300 and SOCY 6300.

SOCY 6310 ADVANCED METHODS OF INFORMATION AND CYBER ANALYSIS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007 and (SOCY 5120 or SOCY 6120) or Departmental approval. Application of methods and techniques of information analysis and related report writing. Credit will not be given for SOCY 5310 and SOCY 6310.

SOCY 6400 SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL HEALTH (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007. Social analysis of the nature, development, identification, and treatment of mental illness. Credit will not be given credit for both SOCY 5400 and SOCY 6400.

SOCY 6500 VICTIMOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Impact of victimization upon the crime victim, offender, and society, as well as the dynamics of the victim-offender relationship. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5500 and SOCY 6500.

SOCY 6600 SEX CRIMES (3) LEC. 3. Criminal sexual behavior, the social influences on what is defined as sexually deviant, and the ways the criminal justice system handles sex offenders. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5600 and SOCY 6600.

SOCY 6650 DRUGS AND SOCIETY (3) LEC. 3. Context and correlates of drug use, relationship with crime and delinquency, and societal reaction to drug abuse. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5650 and SOCY 6650.

SOCY 6670 SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 1000 or SOCY 1007. Social definitions and implications of gender, with emphasis on work, media, law, and interpersonal relationships. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5670 and SOCY 6670.

SOCY 6680 SOCIAL MOVEMENTS (3) LEC. Exploration of social movements as collective action leading to different forms of social change. Topics covered include the origins, dynamics and consequences of major social movements, including movements for civil rights, women's rights, disability access, sustainability, etc.

SOCY 6690 SOCIOLOGY OF EMOTIONS (3) LEC. Examination of the social dimensions of emotions. The emotional phenomena covered include love, empathy, anger, sadness, shame, fear, joy, happiness, and gratitude.

SOCY 6970 SOCIOLOGY SPECIAL TOPICS (3) LEC. 3. Study of substantive areas of sociology. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 5970 and SOCY 6970. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SOCY 7000 ADVANCED SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SOCY 4400 or Departmental approval. Review of major types of sociological theory within the context of theoretical paradigms and significant theoretical issues that face the discipline.

SOCY 7100 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF SURVEY, AGGREGATE, AND LARGE DATA SOURCES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. STAT 2010 or STAT 2017 or Departmental approval. Techniques commonly used in multivariate statistical analysis of data sources such as surveys, archival records, and other large data sets. Credit will not be given for both SOCY 7100 and STAT 7100.

SOCY 7200 SEMINAR IN SOCIAL BEHAVIOR (3) SEM. 3. Research and theory concerning social and group influences on behavior.

SOCY 7250 SOCIOLOGY OF VIOLENCE (3) LEC. 3. In-depth coverage of various forms of violence from the sociological perspective.

SOCY 7850 TECHNOLOGY AND TEACHING IN SOCIOLOGY (1) LEC. 1. SU. Pr., Departmental approval. Technology as a teaching tool sociology classes.

SOCY 7930 DIRECTED STUDIES (3) IND. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. Independent reading course under the supervision of a department faculty member. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SOCY 7990 RESEARCH AND THESIS (1-10) MST. Preparation of a thesis. Course may be repeated with change in topics.