Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences - SLHS


SLHS 1110 EAGLES SOCIAL SKILLS INSTRUCTION I (1) LEC. 1. Departmental approval. This course offers social skills instruction and introduces topics including basic conversational requirements, electronic communication, non-verbal communication, and miscellaneous social skills.

SLHS 1120 EAGLES SOCIAL SKILLS INSTRUCTION II (1) LEC. 1. Pr. SLHS 1110. Departmental approval. This course offers social skills instruction to EAGLES students and introduces topics including basic conversational requirements, electronic communication, non-verbal communication, and good sportsmanship.

SLHS 1130 EAGLES SOCIAL SKILLS INSTRUCTION III (1) LEC. 1. Pr. SLHS 1120. Departmental approval. This course offers social skills instruction to EAGLES students and introduces topics including get-togethers, handling arguments, and miscellaneous social skills.

SLHS 1140 EAGLES SOCIAL SKILLS INSTRUCTION IV (1) LEC. 1. Pr. SLHS 1130. Departmental approval. This course offers social skills instruction to EAGLES students and introduces topics including basic conversational requirements, handling bullying, minimizing rumors and gossip, and miscellaneous social skills.

SLHS 2500 COMMUNICATION DISORDERS IN SOCIETY (2) LEC. 2. Information on stuttering, speech, language, voice disorders and hearing impairment and how to interact with individuals with communication disorders.

SLHS 3000 INTRODUCTION TO SPEECH, LANGUAGE, AND HEARING SCIENCES (3) LEC. 3. Survey of the field of speech pathology-audiology. Includes history of the profession, the inter-relatedness of the various pathologies, general principles of evaluation and therapy and the profession itself.

SLHS 3100 LINGUISTICS IN SLHS (2) LEC. 2. Pr. SLHS 4520. This course will use a basic linguistic framework of typical development of language from which to study developmental and acquired disorders of language.

SLHS 3400 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF SPEECH (3) LEC. 3. The study of anatomy and physiology of speech production including respiratory, laryngeal and articulatory-resonance systems and the process swallowing. Speech acoustics will be introduced.

SLHS 3410 ARTICULATORY PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SLHS 3400 and P/C SLHS 4520. Principles of phonetics and their application to speech.

SLHS 3550 SPEECH AND HEARING SCIENCE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SLHS 3400 and SLHS 4600 and SLHS 3410. The acoustic properties of speech, their relationship to perceptual and physiological phonetics, and instrumentation used in speech science.

SLHS 3560 NEUROANATOMY FOR COMMUNICATION DISORDERS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SLHS 3400 and SLHS 4600. Anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system as it relates to speech, language, hearing and swallowing function and disorders.

SLHS 4100 LANGUAGE DISORDERS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SLHS 4520. Introduction to developmental language impairment from infancy through adolescence as well as acquired language impairment in adulthood with focus on the nature of language impairment, assessment of language disorders, and treatment of language disorders.

SLHS 4200 SPEECH DISORDERS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SLHS 3400 and SLHS 4600 and SLHS 3410. This is one of two courses offered in the area of speech and language disorders. This course reviews the typical acquisition of the speech sound system and reviews basic articulation, phonological, fluency, voice, and motor speech disorders.

SLHS 4300 CRITICAL THINKING AND EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: AN INTRODUCTION (2) LEC. 2. Pr. SLHS 3000 and P/C SLHS 4520. Explores the decision making process in assessment and treatment of individuals with communication disorders. Emphasis on a scientific framework integrating research evidence and critical thinking.

SLHS 4500 SPECIAL OBSERVATION (1) DSL. Pr. (SLHS 4520 or CMDS 4520) and (SLHS 4100) and (SLHS 3410 or CMDS 3410). This course will provide foundational knowledge in treatment methods and guided observation of 25 hours in speech, language, and cognitive-communication evaluation and treatment.

SLHS 4520 LANGUAGE ACQUISITION (3) LEC. 3. First language acquisition in childhood and its change throughout the life span.

SLHS 4580 INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PROCEDURES IN SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3, CLN/LEC. 30. Pr. SLHS 4520. Orientation to clinical activities, management methods and preparation of professional reports.

SLHS 4600 AUDIOLOGY AND HEARING SCIENCE (3) LEC. 3. Principles of auditory reception and the problems involved in measuring, evaluating and conserving hearing.

SLHS 4620 HEARING REHABILITATION (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SLHS 4600. Rehabilitation problems of children and adults in the area of auditory training, speech reading and speech conservation; includes clinical practice.

SLHS 4650 INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PROCEDURES IN AUDIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. SLHS 4600. Audiological instrumentation and test procedures.

SLHS 4930 DIRECTED STUDY IN SPEECH, LANGUAGE & HEARING SCIENCES (1-3) IND. Pr. SLHS 3000 and SLHS 3400 and SLHS 4600. Departmental approval. Directed learning experience in speech, language, or hearing sciences involving literature review and writing related to a topic specific to the student. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SLHS 4967 HONORS SPECIAL PROBLEMS (1-3) IND. Pr. Honors College. Departmental approval. Credit hours that apply towards fulfilling Honors requirement. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.

SLHS 4980 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH (1-3) LAB. 2-9. Pr. P/C SLHS 3000. Departmental approval. This course is designed for active research engagement within a mentor's laboratory or the research implementation phase of an undergraduate research fellowship. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.

SLHS 4997 HONORS THESIS (1-3) RES. Pr. Honors College. Departmental approval. Credit hours that apply towards Honor thesis requirements, the topic of which determined by the Honor's thesis faculty advisor and the student advisee. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SLHS 5000 STUDY ABROAD IN SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY (3) AAB. Pr. CMDS 3000 or SLHS 3000. Survey of current international research and educational/clinical practices in the field of speech-language pathology. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

SLHS 5100 MOTOR LEARNING, GENERALIZATION, AND ADHERENCE FOR SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY (2) LEC. 2. Pr. SLHS 3400 and SLHS 4200. Motor learning, generalization, and adherence knowledge and skills required for speech-language therapist assistants and speech-language pathologists use in therapy.

SLHS 5200 CULTURAL ASPECTS IN APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES (2) LEC. 2. Pr. SLHS 3000. This course is designed to provide undergraduate students in speech, language, and hearing sciences, and other applied health disciplines the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of and implementation of culturally responsive practices when working with patients/clients and team members.

SLHS 5300 COGNITIVE AND LINGUISTIC ASPECTS OF AGING (2) LEC. 2. Pr. SLHS 3560. Explores the age-related changes in cognitive-linguistic decline including the mechanisms of this decline; external factors such as physical exercise, pharmacology, and cognitive rehabilitation; and suggestions for prevention of cognitive decline and dementia.

SLHS 5400 ISSUES IN SPEECH (2) LEC. 2. Pr. SLHS 3400 and SLHS 4200. Current issues related to aspects of development, habilitation, and/or rehabilitation of articulation, voice, or fluency disorders will be explored. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours.

SLHS 5500 ISSUES IN AUDIOLOGY (2) LEC. 2. Pr. SLHS 3400 and SLHS 4600. Current issues related to research methodologies and clinical care of auditory and vestibular development, psychoacoustics, and pathologies of the auditory system will be explored.

SLHS 5960 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN LANGUAGE (2) LEC. 2. Pr. SLHS 4520. This Special Problems Seminar is a two hour per week meeting for study of topics in language. Topics will include aspects of language acquisition , including autism spectrum disorder and literacy, that are clinically relevant for speech language pathologists.

SLHS 7500 CLINICAL PRACTICUM IN SLP (1) PRA. 1. Clinical practicum in evaluation and treatment of individuals with speech-language disorders. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours.

SLHS 7510 ADVANCED ARTICULATION/PHONOLOGICAL DISORDERS (3) LEC. 3. Empirical and theoretical bases for articulartory pathologies.

SLHS 7520 LANGUAGE DISORDERS: BIRTH TO FIVE (3) LEC. 3. Empirical and theoretical bases for evaluation and treatment of language disorders for the birth to five population.

SLHS 7530 ADVANCED FLUENCY DISORDERS (3) LEC. 3. Empirical and theoretical bases for dysfluency disorders, diagnoses and therapies.

SLHS 7540 VOICE & UPPER AIRWAY DISORDERS (3) DSL/LEC. Empirical and theoretical bases for voice pathologies, diagnoses and therapies.

SLHS 7550 ADULT APHASIA (3) LEC. 3. Empirical and theoretical bases for adult language disorders associated with CNS pathologies, diagnoses and therapies.

SLHS 7560 CRANIOFACIAL ANOMALIES (3) LEC. 3. A review of syndromic and non-syndromic craniofacial disorders including cleft lip/palate. Assessment and treatment of speech and language problems associated with these anomalies is emphasized.

SLHS 7570 EVALUATION OF RESEARCH IN SPEECH PATHOLOGY AND AUDIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Survey of experimental designs and statistical procedures used in speech-language pathology/audiology literature for consumers of research.

SLHS 7590 LANGUAGE DISORDERS: SCHOOL-AGE (3) LEC. Empirical and theoretical bases for evaluation and treatment of language disorders for school-age children through adolescence.

SLHS 7600 CLINICAL PROBLEMS IN HEARING (2) LEC. 2. Pr. (CMDS 4650 or SLHS 4650) and (CMDS 4600 or SLHS 4600) and (CMDS 4620 or SLHS 4620). Topics chosen to address topics and problems in hearing. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 12 credit hours.

SLHS 7700 CLINICAL PROBLEM SOLVING I (2) LEC. 2. This course will help students develop problem-solving skills that can be applied to clinical practice in Speech-Language Pathology.

SLHS 7720 CLINICAL PROBLEM SOLVING II (2) LEC. 2. This course will promoted advanced problem-solving skills that can be applied to clinical practice in Speech-Language Pathology.

SLHS 7740 CLINICAL PROBLEM SOLVING III (2) LEC. This course will promoted advanced problem-solving skills that can be applied to clinical practice in Speech-Language Pathology.

SLHS 7810 MOTOR SPEECH DISORDERS (3) LEC. 3. Empirical and theoretical bases for motor speech disorders, diagnoses and therapies.

SLHS 7820 DYSPHAGIA (3) LEC. 3. The role of speech-language pathology in diagnosing and treating swallowing disorders in children and adults. Emphasis will be placed upon clinical and instrumental assessment and treatment strategies.

SLHS 7840 AUGMENTATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION (3) LEC. Process and specific equipment involved in assessment, prescription and intervention with adults and children who are unable to use traditional communication modes.

SLHS 7860 SPEECH SCIENCE (3) LEC. 3. Acoustic properties of speech, physiology and perception of the speech signal, and an orientation to instrumentation used in speech science.

SLHS 7920 INTERNSHIP IN SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY (5) LEC. 5. SU. Completion of all academic course work. Successful completion of comprehensive exams or enrollment in graduate thesis. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credit hours.

SLHS 7930 DIRECTED STUDIES (1-3) IND. Conferences, readings, research or reports in a specialized area of communication disorders. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.

SLHS 7970 SPECIAL TOPICS SEMINAR (2) SEM. Advanced treatment of contemporary topics and trends, as well as current research aspects of audiology and speech-language pathology. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours.

SLHS 7990 RESEARCH AND THESIS (1-5) MST. Credit hours to fulfill thesis requirements. Course may be repeated with change in topics.

SLHS 8100 HEARING SCIENCE (3) LEC. 3. Introduction to instrumentation and calibration of audiometric equipment. Auditory perception in normal-hearing and hearing impaired listeners.

SLHS 8110 AUDITORY PHYSIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Detailed study of the anatomy and physiology of the human auditory, and vestibular system over the lifespan.

SLHS 8120 AUDIOLOGY CLINICAL METHODS (3) LEC. 3. Use of audiometric equipment, administering audiological tests, recording test results, and interpreting test findings, including otoscopy, and cerumen management.

SLHS 8200 DIAGNOSTIC AUDIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Basic and advanced audiometric techniques to assess auditory system's site of lesion, including otoscopy, cerumen management, otoacoustic emissions and immittance.

SLHS 8210 MEDICAL ASPECTS OF HEARING DISORDERS (3) LEC. 3. Study of the disorders of hearing including their medical diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment.

SLHS 8220 AMPLIFICATION I (3) LEC. 3. Background and development of hearing aids and other amplification systems; performance standards and measurement techniques; selection, fitting and dispensing procedures

SLHS 8300 CENTRAL AUDITIORY PROCESSING (3) LEC. Selected clinical procedures in audiology, including electrophysiologic and behavioral tests of central auditory functioning.

SLHS 8310 AURAL REHABILITATION (3) LEC. Psychosocial aspects on hearing loss; clinical and therapeutic management of older persons with hearing disorders including counseling of the hearing-impaired and their families.

SLHS 8320 CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF AMPLIFICATION (2) LEC. Didactic and practical training in use of instrumentation for testing, programming, fitting and verifying amplification.

SLHS 8400 PEDIATRIC AUDIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Normal development of speech, language and hearing losses' effect on communication, etiologic factors, screening, audiologic assessment, differential diagnosis and clinical management.

SLHS 8410 AURAL HABILITATION (3) LEC. 3. The parameters involved in the management of hearing-impaired school-aged children.

SLHS 8420 AMPLIFICATION II (3) LEC. 3. Pr. CMDS 8220 or SLHS 8220. Review of recent trends in hearing aid technology including digital and Programmable instruments.

SLHS 8430 CLINICAL APPLICATION OF DIAGNOSTIC AUDIOLOGY (2) LEC. Pr. CMDS 8320 or SLHS 8320. Didactic and practical training for selection, administration, and interpretation of behavioral and electrophysiologic tests, including auditory processing disorders.

SLHS 8500 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL PROCEDURES IN AUDIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Selected neurophysiological clinical procedures in audiology, including electronystagmography and auditory evoked potentials.

SLHS 8510 CLINICAL APPLICATION OF BALANCE ASSESSMENT (2) LEC. Pr. (CMDS 8230 and CMDS 8320 and CMDS 8430) or (SLHS 8230 and SLHS 8320 and SLHS 8430). Didactic and practical training for selecting, conducting, and interpreting tests to identify disorders of balance and other auditory related systems.

SLHS 8520 HEARING CONSERVATION (3) LEC. Pr. CMDS 8310 or SLHS 8310. Studies the effects of noise on auditory system and implementation of hearing conservation programs in industry, schools and the military.

SLHS 8570 EVALUATION OF RESEARCH IN AUDIOLOGY (3) LEC. Survey of experimental designs and statistical procedures used in audiology research.

SLHS 8600 BALANCE DISORDERS (3) LEC. 3. Detailed coverage of the assessment and treatment of patients with balance disorders using nystagmography and other techniques.

SLHS 8610 IMPLANT TECHNOLOGY (3) LEC. Detailed study of the assessment and treatment of patients with cochlear implants.

SLHS 8620 OUTCOME MEASURES IN AUDIOLOGY (3) LEC. Application of research methodology to demonstrate efficacy in clinical service delivery in all areas of audiologic practice.

SLHS 8630 COUNSELING IN AUDIOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Advanced course in the counseling component of rehabilitative audiology.

SLHS 8650 ADVANCED AUDIOMETRY (2) LEC. 2. Pr. (CMDS 8120 and CMDS 8320 and CMDS 8430 and CMDS 8510) or (SLHS 8120 and SLHS 8320 and SLHS 8430 and SLHS 8510). Didactic and practical training for selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation of behavioral audiometric tests and electrophysiologic procedures.

SLHS 8700 PROFESSIONAL ISSUES (3) LEC. 3. Legal and ethical issues in clinical audiology.

SLHS 8800 THE NEUROLOGICAL BASES OF COMMUNICATION DISORDERS (3) LEC. 3. Anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system as it relates to speech, language and hearing function and disorders.

SLHS 8810 PRIVATE PRACTICE (3) LEC. 3. Concepts and strategies for private practice in the areas of clinical and industrial audiology.

SLHS 8910 CLINICAL PRACTICE IN AUDIOLOGY (2) DSL/LEC. Clinical practicum involving evaluation and management of patients of all ages with disorders of auditory, vestibular, and other auditory related systems.

SLHS 8920 CLINICAL INTERNSHIP (5) INT. SU. Pr. CMDS 8910 or CMDS 8916 or SLHS 8910 or SLHS 8916. Intensive clinical experience at off-campus setting up to 20 hours per week of supervised practicum. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 15 credit hours.

SLHS 8940 CLINICAL RESIDENCY (6) INT. SU. Pr. CMDS 8920 or SLHS 8920. A full time, supervised, nine month residency at an off-campus facility that provides audiological services. Fall, Spring.

SLHS 8950 AUDIOLOGY GRAND ROUNDS (3) LEC. Discussion/Seminar in timely clinical issues in audiology, clinical problem solving and case studies in contemporary audiologic service delivery.

SLHS 8980 CAPSTONE PROJECT (1) IND. A project involving applied clinical research or development of an innovative clinical procedure.