Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

Psychology - PSYC


PSYC 1010 NEUROSCIENCE SUCCESS STRATEGIES (2) LEC. 2. Introduction to the neuroscience major for new majors. Required of all majors and must be taken in the first year as a neuroscience major. Topics covered will be an overview of the neuroscience curriculum, course selection, faculty introduction, faculty expectations, student assessment, research opportunities, career planning and professional development, critical thinking, diversity, and ethics.

PSYC 2010 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Introduction to the various subfields of psychology such as developmental, biological, cognitive, clinical, and social psychology. May count either PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013.

PSYC 2017 HONORS INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. Honors College. Introduction to the various subfields of psychology such as developmental, biological, cognitive, clinical, and social psychology.

PSYC 2020 ORIENTATION TO PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR (1) LEC. 1. SU. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017). Orientation to the psychology major. Overview and design of psychology curriculum, faculty introduction, faculty expectations, student assessment, career development, study skills, diversity, and ethics.

PSYC 2130 ANALYTICS FOR SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (MATH 1100 or MATH 1120 or MATH 1123 or MATH 1130 or MATH 1133 or MATH 1150 or MATH 1153 or MATH 1610 or MATH 1613 or MATH 1617 or MATH 1680 or MATH CORE). Introduces students to the cycle of collecting (using surveys and experiments), analyzing (using Excel) and reporting conclusions about psychological and other social and behavioral sciences data. The course provides a critical thinking approach for quantitative argumentation with data.

PSYC 2140 RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2130 or PSYC 2133 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2513) and (PSYC 2017 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2010). Investigation of descriptive and experimental methods used in psychological research.

PSYC 2147 HONORS RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2130 or PSYC 2133 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2513) and (PSYC 2017 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2010). Investigation of descriptive and experimental methods used in psychological research.

PSYC 2510 PSYCHOLOGY OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR (3) LEC. 3. Biological, social, and psychological dimensions of human sexuality.

PSYC 3120 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017. Introduction to physical, cognitive, social and emotional development across the lifespan.

PSYC 3500 APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Principles and procedures for management of human behavior. Fall, Spring.

PSYC 3510 BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Exploration of the relationships between the brain and behavior.

PSYC 3520 PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Phenomena involved in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and patterns of action.

PSYC 3530 SENSATION AND PERCEPTION (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Study of perceptual phenomena and the structure and function of sensory systems.

PSYC 3540 COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Phenomena involved with thinking and remembering.

PSYC 3550 PSYCHOLOGY AND CULTURE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Survey of the ways culture shapes, modifies and adds distinctiveness to human behaviors.

PSYC 3560 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Exploration of our attempts to understand, explain, and classify abnormal behavior patterns.

PSYC 3570 THEORIES OF PERSONALITY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Survey of selected classical and contemporary theories of personality.

PSYC 3580 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another.

PSYC 3590 PSYCHOLOGY IN THE WORKPLACE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Application of basic psychological principles and theories in the workplace. May count either PSYC 3590 or PSYC 3593.

PSYC 3610 SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY (3) SEM. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Inquiry into how motivation, emotion, personality, and other mind-body variables influence physiology and athletic performance. Seminar class includes applied exercises in emotional expression, stress and pain management, hypnosis, and diet and exercise challenges.

PSYC 3620 COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Exploration of how mental functions are linked to neural processes to enable the mind.

PSYC 3640 MOTIVATION AND EMOTION (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Overview of historical and contemporary perspectives on human motivation and emotion.

PSYC 3650 DRUGS AND BEHAVIOR (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Introduction to the behavioral effects of drugs, including drug abuse and its treatment.

PSYC 3660 PSYCHOLOGY OF GOOD AND EVIL (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). This class looks at the reasons why humans can act negatively against other people while maintaining a sense of their personal "normalcy".

PSYC 3670 PSYCHOLOGY OF SLEEP (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). This course will cover several topics pertaining to the psychology and physiology of sleep including circadian rhythms, the neuroscience of sleep, how sleep differs across the lifespan and across cultures, sleep quality, and sleep disorders. Students will also gain a deeper understanding of research methods in the field of sleep science and various theories that address why we sleep.

PSYC 3680 PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). How psychological theories and research can inform civil and criminal legal practice, including psychological evaluations, jury selection, and predictions of violent behavior among other possible topics.

PSYC 3690 PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA AND RESILIENCE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). This course will provide an introduction to the field of trauma psychology, specifically focusing on definition, epidemiology, and consequences of psychological trauma, risk and protective factors for trauma exposure and outcomes, evidence-based trauma prevention and intervention strategies.

PSYC 3710 INTERGROUP PROCESSES: STEREOTYPING, PREJUDICE AND STIGMA (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). In this course, we will examine stereotyping, prejudice and stigma from a Social Psychological perspective. We will cover a wide variety of topics related to intergroup cognition and behavior (e.g., social cognitive approaches to stereotyping, stereotype threat, intergroup prejudice, and avenues to reduce intergroup biases).

PSYC 3910 SUPERVISED RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (3) LEC. 3. SU. Pr., Departmental approval. Supervised experience in research settings. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

PSYC 3940 EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING (3) PRA. 3. SU. Pr., Departmental approval. Supplementary instruction concurrent with job or volunteer experience involving the application of psychological perspectives to community life. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

PSYC 3970 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Theories, research and issues in contemporary psychology on selected topics. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

PSYC 4010 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Introduction to clinical psychology focusing on techniques of assessment and intervention.

PSYC 4080 HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Psychological principles in health maintenance and health problems.

PSYC 4220 CHILD PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Child psychology from a life-span developmental perspective, emphasizing social-emotional development in infancy.

PSYC 4260 PSYCHOLOGY OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Overview of various psychological features of addictive behaviors including alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorders, gambling and excessive sexual behavior.

PSYC 4910 HUMAN SERVICE PRACTICUM (3) PRA. 3. SU. Pr., Departmental approval. Supervised experience in service-delivery settings. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

PSYC 4930 DIRECTED STUDIES (1-3) IND. Pr., Departmental approval. In-depth study of a psychological topic under the direction of a faculty member. Only 6 credit hours may be applied to the psychology major. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

PSYC 4967 HONORS SPECIAL PROBLEMS (1-3) IND. Pr. Honors College. 2.30 GPA. STAT 2010. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.

PSYC 4997 HONORS RESEARCH AND THESIS (1-3) IND. Pr. Honors College. STAT 2010. Research in specialized topics. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

PSYC 5020 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Description, etiology, and treatment of psychological disturbances in children and adolescents.

PSYC 5610 BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Laboratory, occupational and epidemiological assessment of neurotoxic chemicals; risk analysis; developmental and policy considerations. Coverage includes heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, and abused drugs.

PSYC 5620 DRUGS, BRAIN, AND BEHAVIOR (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143) and PSYC 3510. A review of drugs affecting nervous system function and behavioral or neural mechanisms that modify these effects. Topics include substance abuse, preclinical and clinical psychopharmacology, learning and memory, behavioral mitigation of drug effects. Course meets APA criteria for Level 1. May count either PSYC 5620 or PSYC 6620.

PSYC 5690 ADVANCED ANALYTICS FOR SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. PSYC 2130. Application and interpretation of quantitative approaches used in social and behavioral sciences. May count PSYC 5960 or PSYC 6960.

PSYC 5960 SEMINAR IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (PSYC 2010 or PSYC 2013 or PSYC 2017) and (PSYC 2140 or PSYC 2143). Seminar in research and theory on psychological topics. Course may be repeated with changes in topic. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

PSYC 6610 BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS (3) LEC. 3. Laboratory, occupational, and epidemiological assessment of neurotoxic chemicals; risk analysis; developmental exposures; and policy considerations. Coverage includes heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, and abused drugs.

PSYC 6620 DRUGS, BRAIN, AND BEHAVIOR (3) LEC. 3. Review of drugs affecting nervous system function and behavioral or neural mechanisms that modify these effects. Topics include substance abuse, preclinical and clinical psychopharmacology, learning and memory, behavioral mitigation of drug effects. Course meets APA criteria for Level 1 training in psychopharmacology.

PSYC 6690 ADVANCED ANALYTICS FOR SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (3) LEC. 3. Application and interpretation of quantitative approaches used in social and behavioral sciences. May count either PSYC 5690, PSYC 6690 or PSYC 6696.

PSYC 6960 SPECIAL PROBLEMS (3) LEC. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. Seminar in research and theory on psychological topics. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 18 credit hours.

PSYC 7100 HISTORY OF IDEAS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Historical developments in psychology with emphasis on the major theories and systems.

PSYC 7110 ETHICS AND PROBLEMS OF SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (1) LEC. 1. Survey of ethical issues and current problems in psychology.

PSYC 7120 TEACHING OF PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Problems and practices of teaching psychology at the college level. In addition to seminar meetings, students work with faculty in appropriate courses.

PSYC 7140 LEARNING AND CONDITIONING (3) LEC. 3. Respondent conditioning and operant behavior, including acquisition of language and other forms of individual and environmental interactions.

PSYC 7150 BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Behavior from a biological perspective, including theory and research from the neurosciences and biopsychology.

PSYC 7160 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (3) LEC. 3. Introduction to conceptual and substantive issues of developmental psychology from a life-span developmental perspective.

PSYC 7170 THEORIES OF PERSONALITY (3) LEC. 3. Analysis of current issues in personality theory.

PSYC 7180 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Topics and literature on the social foundations of behavior.

PSYC 7190 COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Survey of the nature of human intellectual functioning, including pattern recognition, memory, problem solving, reasoning, and language comprehension and generation.

PSYC 7200 ANIMAL COGNITION (3) SEM. 3. Experimental analysis of the mechanisms that underlie animal cognition, including attention, concept formation, counting, language, memory, perception, timing, and problem solving.

PSYC 7220 BEHAVIORAL PRINCIPLES (3) LEC. 3. Concepts and principles of operant and respondent conditioning and their relevance to changing and interpreting human behavior.

PSYC 7230 PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. P/C PSYC 7270 and P/C PSYC 7280. Introduction to basic quantitative theory behind the construction and interpretation of test scores and scales.

PSYC 7240 METHODS FOR STUDYING INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR (3) LEC. 3. Examination of strategies for measuring individual and environment interaction, using environmental interventions and identifying behavior change and its causes.

PSYC 7250 CLINICAL RESEARCH METHODS AND ETHICS (3) LEC. 3. Introduction to research methods and ethics in clinical psychology, with an emphasis on critical analysis of the scientific literature.

PSYC 7260 ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS (3) LEC. 3. Ethical and professional issues relevant to the practice of applied behavior analysis.

PSYC 7270 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN IN PSYCHOLOGY (4) LEC. 4. Introduction to the analysis of data collected under various different experimental designs. Credit will not be given for both PSYC 7270 and STAT 7270.

PSYC 7280 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN IN PSYCHOLOGY II (4) LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Pr. PSYC 7270. and Enrollment in Psychology PhD program. Correlational and regression models. Matrix based multiple and logistic regression, moderation and mediation, and introduction to path models.

PSYC 7310 AUTISM AND INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES (3) LEC. 3. Survey of the definitions, terms, epidemiology, etiologies, and current issues in autism and intellectual disabilities.

PSYC 7320 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. The basic principles of psychopharmacology with special attention given to drugs used in applied or therapeutic settings, their effects, and their potential interactions with behavioral interventions.

PSYC 7400 COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE (3) LEC. 3. Exploring how mental functions are linked to neural processes to enable the mind.

PSYC 7700 FOUNDATIONS IN INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) DSL/SEM. 3. This course is designed to be an advanced survey of the Industrial and Organizational Psychology field.

PSYC 7710 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS (3) DSL/SEM. 3. A graduate seminar that focuses on critical conceptual and empirical issues facing training and development in the workplace.

PSYC 7720 PERSONNEL SELECTION (3) DSL/SEM. 3. Analysis of classical, contemporary, theoretical, and practical issues related to personnel selection. May count either PSYC 7720, PSYC 7726, PSYC 8720 or PSYC 8726.

PSYC 7730 RESEARCH METHODS IN INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) DSL/SEM. 3. An overview of basic research methodology applicable to the investigation of organizational phenomena.

PSYC 7740 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE (3) SEM. 3. Gain an understanding of organizational culture and provides the context in which organizational behavior may be understood.

PSYC 7750 ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) DSL/SEM. 3. An introduction to issues faced in professional practice and importance of ethical behavior in the practice of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

PSYC 7760 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY (3) DSL/SEM. 3. Occupational health psychology (OHP) is an emerging interdisciplinary field concerned with psychological factors in employee health, safety, and well-being.

PSYC 7780 WORK MOTIVATION (3) SEM. 3. Analysis of historical and contemporary theories of work motivation and related research.

PSYC 7800 LEADERSHIP (3) SEM. 3. Analysis of historical and contemporary theories of leadership and related research.

PSYC 7910 PRACTICUM IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY (1-10) DSL/PRA. Supervised practicum in applied psychology. A maximum of 12 hours will apply toward degree. Department approval. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 30 credit hours.

PSYC 7930 DIRECTED STUDIES (1-3) DSL/IND. Pr., Departmental approval. Work under the direction of a faculty member on a psychological topic of mutual interest. No more than 3 hours count toward major. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

PSYC 7970 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL TOPICS (3) IND. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. Supervised scholarly activity related to student's field of study. Course may be repeated with change in topics.

PSYC 7980 APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS CAPSTONE PROJECT (1-10) DSL/PRA. Pr., Departmental approval. Supervised practicum in applied psychology behavior analysis project involving delivery of services to a consumer. Maximum of 6 credit hours will count toward degree. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 30 credit hours.

PSYC 7990 RESEARCH AND THESIS (1-10) MST. Departmental approval. Pr., Course may be repeated with change in topics.

PSYC 8180 ADVANCED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. PSYC 7180. Departmental approval. Theories, research and issues in contemporary social psychology.

PSYC 8240 STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING FOR APPLIED RESEARCHERS (3) LEC. 3. This course is to provide an overview and introduction to the use of structural equation modeling in applied research, utilizing Mplus software. This course will be taught from an applied and pragmatic perspective. There will be a particular focus on data analytic issues that are especially relevant to clinical researchers.

PSYC 8250 MULTIVARIATE METHODS (4) LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Pr. PSYC 7270 and PSYC 7280. Introduction to the theory behind multivariate analyses and the statistical programs that support them.

PSYC 8270 FACTOR ANALYSIS (3) SEM. 3. Theoretical and statistical applications of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.

PSYC 8280 META-ANALYSIS (3) DSL/SEM. 3. Meta-analysis is a quantitative analysis using techniques to analyze and integrate effect sizes that accrue from research studies.

PSYC 8300 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Introduction to contemporary concepts, constructs, and controversies in developmental psychopathology.

PSYC 8310 INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL METHODS AND ETHICS (3) LEC. 3. Enrollment in Clinical Psychology Program. Interviewing introduction to interviewing skills, behavioral assessment, crisis intervention, professional and ethical issues in providing clinical services.

PSYC 8330 COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. PSYC 8310. Conceptual and applied issues related to behavioral principles of assessment and treatment.

PSYC 8350 APPLIED PSYCHOMETRIC PRINCIPLES (3) LEC. 3. Analysis of classical and modern test theory, with an emphasis on applied psychometric principles.

PSYC 8360 ASSESSMENT OF COGNITIVE ABILITIES AND ACHIEVEMENT (3) LEC. 2. LAB. 2. Theories and techniques for the assessment of cognitive abilities and academic achievement.

PSYC 8370 FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT (3) LEC. 3. Enrollment in Clinical Psychology program. Measurement theory and introduction to widely used objective personality and behavioral checklists with attention to ethics and diversity.

PSYC 8460 ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG PROBLEMS (3) LEC. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. Conceptual and empirical bases of clinical assessment and intervention for alcohol and drug problems.

PSYC 8500 COGNITIVE AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES SEMINAR (1) SEM. 1. SU. Pr., Enrollment in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences PhD program. Examination of professional preparation issues and recent scientific developments relevant to careers in the cognitive and behavioral sciences. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.

PSYC 8510 CONTEXT AND CONSEQUENCES OF BEHAVIOR (3) LEC. 3. Pr. PSYC 7140. Advanced survey of the role that consequences play in acquisition, maintenance, and structure of behavior, and the methods by which this role is studied.

PSYC 8540 BEHAVIORISM (3) LEC. 3. Exploration of the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of behavior analysis.

PSYC 8550 APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. PSYC 7140. and Departmental approval. Scientific and conceptual foundations of applied behavior analysis and its strategies of intervention and evaluation.

PSYC 8570 APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS 2 (3) LEC. 3. Applications of behavioral principles to the assessment and treatment of problem behavior.

PSYC 8700 ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Analysis of methods and content of industrial psychology.

PSYC 8710 ADVANCED ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Departmental approval. Analysis of major issues in organizational psychology.

PSYC 8730 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL (3) LEC. 3. Analysis of classical, contemporary, theoretical, and practical issues related to the appraisal of employee work performance.

PSYC 8760 DECISION MAKING IN THE WORKPLACE AND ORGANIZATIONS (3) SEM. 3. The application of behavioral decision theory and research to problems in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

PSYC 8770 ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE (3) DSL/SEM. 3. A conceptual overview of organizational change and organizational transformation and related specific topics.

PSYC 8780 WORK AND FAMILY (3) SEM. 3. A survey of research and theory in work and family, a content area of organizational psychology.

PSYC 8790 SEMINAR IN INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (1) SEM. 1. SU. Examination of professional preparation issues and recent scientific developments relevant to careers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Enrollment in the Industrial and Organizational Psychology PhD program. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.

PSYC 8910 CLINICAL PRACTICUM (1-4) DSL/PRA. Pr. PSYC 8320 or PSYC 8410. Supervised practicum experience in clinical assessment and intervention techniques. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 30 credit hours, with 24 counting toward the degree.

PSYC 8920 INTERNSHIP (0) INT. Pr., PhD candidacy. Enrollment in full-time APA-approved 1-year pre-doctoral internship required for the PhD in Clinical Psychology. Student may not enroll in other course work.

PSYC 8930 DIRECTED STUDIES IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) IND. Pr., Approved PhD plan of study. Review of literature leading to the writing and defense of the Major Area Paper (written portion of the general PhD examination). Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

PSYC 8970 SPECIAL TOPICS (1-3) DSL. Departmental approval. In-depth study of issues related to selected specializations in psychology. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 18 credit hours.

PSYC 8990 RESEARCH AND DISSERTATION (1-10) DSR. Departmental approval. Pr., Course may be repeated for a maximum of 98 credit hours.