Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

World Languages - Greek - FLGK


FLGK 1010 ELEMENTARY CLASSICAL GREEK I (4) LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Classical Greek. Introduction to the knowledge and skills necessary for reading ancient Greek.

FLGK 1020 ELEMENTARY CLASSICAL GREEK II (4) LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Pr. FLGK 1010 or Departmental approval. Introduction to the knowledge and skills necessary for reading ancient Greek. Fulfills College of Liberal Arts world language core requirement.

FLGK 2010 INTERMEDIATE CLASSICAL GREEK I (4) LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Pr. FLGK 1020 or Departmental approval. Introduction to reading ancient Greek. prose and poetry.

FLGK 2020 INTERMEDIATE CLASSICAL GREEK II (4) LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Pr. FLGK 2010 or Departmental approval. Classical Greek. Continuation of FLGK 2010.

FLGK 2200 CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Survey, in English, of the major divine and heroic myths of ancient Greece and Rome, based on the ancient literary and artistic sources, their meanings/uses within cultural, literary, and historical contexts, and the long-lasting influence of classical mythology beyond antiquity.

FLGK 3110 CLASSICAL GREEK LITERATURE (3) LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Pr. FLGK 2010 or Departmental approval. Advanced readings in ancient Greek prose and poetry. Course may be repeated with change in topics.

FLGK 3510 CLASSICAL GREEK LITERATURE AND CULTURE IN TRANSLATION (3) LEC. 3. Classical Greek cultural practices and ideology with a focus on literary evidence. Readings in English. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

FLGK 3930 DIRECTED STUDIES IN ANCIENT GREEK LITERATURE (1-3) IND. Pr., Departmental approval. Independent study of classical Greek text(s). Topic proposed by student in conjunction with faculty advisor. Course may be repeated with change in topics.