Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025



EAGL 0100 POSITIVE CHOICES (0) SEM. 3. Departmental approval. In this course, students explore positive choices on healthy relationships, sexuality, and safe boundaries. The course is designed to increase critical thinking about relationships.

EAGL 0110 TRANSITION TO POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION (0) SEM. 3. Departmental approval. This course introduces life as a student on a college campus. It includes an overview of skills needed to manage daily life, support health, and wellness goals, and engage in social interactions on a college campus.

EAGL 0130 TRANSITION TO INDEPENDENT LIVING: ON-CAMPUS LIVING (0) SEM. 3. Departmental approval. This course prepares students for living independently in that of maintaining a clean-living space. This includes but is not limited to, educating on the proper cleaning tools for different tasks, following a chore list and or chart, and the aspect of courtesy of keeping shared spaces clean, especially when living with others.

EAGL 0140 FINANCIAL LITERACY (0) DSL/SEM. 3. Departmental approval. In this course, students build their knowledge of financial literacy as it relates to all settings (school, work, community, and home). Students demonstrate an understanding of counting money, managing their finances, budgeting, and relating their financial security to their chosen career area.

EAGL 0150 EMPLOYMENT EXPLORATION (0) SEM. 3. Departmental approval. In this course, EAGLES students explore career paths related to their personal interests and goals. Students identify occupational areas of interest using assessment results that they might prepare for and pursue while in the program and beyond.

EAGL 0200 EMPLOYMENT PREPARATION (0) SEM. 3. Departmental approval. This course focuses on strengthening skills learned and acquired as a first-year college student. This course also focuses on developing healthy habits for employment through the creation of a detailed habit plan and incorporates application-based activities, and real-world practice in the students' everyday lives. Students identify healthy habits and how they will personally incorporate them into all domains of their lives: Academics, Employment, Independent Living, Personal/Social, and Health and Wellness.

EAGL 0210 TRANSITION TO INDEPENDENT LIVING - MEAL PREP GROCERY SHOPPING (0) SEM. Departmental approval. The purpose of this course is to provide the EAGLES students with independent skills involving meal preparation and grocery shopping. These skills help the students transition to an independent lifestyle by learning how to prepare, shop, and cook meals while developing healthy eating habits.

EAGL 0220 LIVING IN THE MODERN WORLD (0) SEM. Departmental approval. This course prepares students to live independently and in the modern world by learning about challenges and pressures, self-determination, and resilience. Students will learn different strategies for self-care and develop an individualized plan for their personal self-care needs. Students will learn about community resources and community safety through outdoor exploration and guest speakers.

EAGL 0230 LIVING ARRANGEMENTS 101 (0) SEM. 3. Department approval required. Students have access to almost all their basic needs on a college campus; however, to successfully transition, students need to learn how to access these supports in their community and how to access them independently. The goal of this course is to teach second-year EAGLES students how to create a Housing Plan according to their independent living goals, financial means, and supports required to be successful at living on their own. This course is meant to introduce students to the real world of living independently through application-based lessons in the community.

EAGL 0310 EMPLOYMENT IMPLEMENTATION (0) LEC. 0. The goal of this course is to teach third year EAGLES students how to generalize skills they have learned into a community setting. Students are taught how to access all supports, like going to the post office, the eye doctor, and taking their animal to the vet, in their community independently. This course is meant to introduce students to the Auburn community so they can be engaged citizens through application-based lessons. Departmental Approval.

EAGL 0320 TRANSITION TO INDEPENDENT LIVING- OFF-CAMPUS LIVING (0) SEM. Departmental approval. The goal of this course is to teach third and fourth year EAGLES students how to generalize skills they have learned into a community setting. Students have access to almost all their basic needs on a college campus, however, to successfully transition, students need to learn how to access these supports in their community and how to access them independently.

EAGL 0330 HOT TOPICS IN TRANSITION (0) SEM. 3. Departmental approval required. In this course, students build upon their knowledge from the first financial literacy class and create a personal budget and finance portfolio to plan their future expenses across all domains for living based on their income, family support, SSI benefits, and a nest egg to support the student while living on their own. Additionally, this course reviews how to protect oneself from fraud.

EAGL 0340 MEDICAL ASPECTS (0) SEM. 3. Assist students in developing working knowledge of medical aspects of their disability and the routine medical needed to live a healthy life. This course helps students develop a medical binder to help them be autonomous when answering questions at routine medical appointments. Additionally, this course explains the process of how insurance works, medical services needed, like routine physicals, dental health, and women’s health and how to address acute issues like the common cold, headaches, etc. Departmental approval required.

EAGL 0410 EAGLES CAPSTONE PREPARATION (0) SEM. Departmental approval. Students will create an online portfolio including sections reflecting the five pillars of the EAGLES Program: academic enrichment, personal and social skills, independent living skills, health and wellness, and integrated work experiences. Students will explore areas of interest and set goals when it comes to career-making decisions and obtaining meaningful employment. Students will identify and learn to navigate resources available to them both while they are in the program and once they are alumni of the program, such as Auburn Career Services, LinkedIn, Indeed, and more. Students will hear from guest speakers focused on presenting valuable information regarding each area of the EAGLES Program’s five pillars and how students can sustain their focus on these areas after completion of the advanced program.

EAGL 0420 WORK READY, WORLD READY (0) SEM. Departmental approval. In this course, students identify, explore, and interact with agencies that will benefit them post-program. Students learn resources available to individuals with intellectual disabilities and how to access and utilize the agencies. Students learn the benefits of each agency related to employment, independent living, and community living upon completion of the program.

EAGL 0430 BECOMING AN EAGLES ALUMNI (0) SEM. 3. The purpose of this course is to assist students in developing S.O.A.R. Planning documents in preparation for life after the EAGLES Program. The course helps students work through the 5 domains of the EAGLES Program to identify accommodations needed, personal goals, supports to achieve goals and action steps. Additionally, this course will assist EAGLES students in developing and updating important documents needed post-program. Departmental approval required.