Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

Counselor Education, Counseling Psychology - COUN


COUN 1000 CAREER ORIENTATION EXPLORATION (2) LEC. 1. LAB. 2. The process of career decision-making through hands- on activities, in-class exercises, and job shadowing.

COUN 2000 LIVING AND COMMUNICATING IN A DIVERSE SOCIETY (3) LEC. 3. The class developing cultural competence in context of relationships, issues, and trends in a multicultural and diverse society related to such factors as culture, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, and mental and physical abilities/disabilities.

COUN 2007 HONORS LIVING AND COMMUNICATING IN A DIVERSE SOCIETY (3) LEC. The class developing cultural competence in context of relationships, issues, and trends in a multicultural and diverse society related to such factors as culture, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, and mental and physical abilities/disabilities.

COUN 2020 INTRODUCTION TO LGBTQ STUDIES (3) LEC. 3. The class focuses on content addressing and introduces lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies. The course will examine the historical, scientific, psychological, and cultural contexts of relationships, issues and trends in a diverse society related to sexual orientation.

COUN 2300 MENTAL HEALTH DISPARITIES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. COUN 2000. This course will introduce students to mental health disparities and strategies for addressing the social factors of mental health.

COUN 2900 DIRECTED STUDIES (1-3) IND. SU. Reading, research, or other work undertaken by a student focused on an area of special interest. Directed by faculty member. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

COUN 2940 DIRECTED FIELD EXPERIENCE (1-3) DSL/FLD. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

COUN 2950 THRIVING THROUGH TRANSITIONS (1) SEM. 1. This course requires participation in activities that support healthy living and assignments that facilitate understanding of mechanisms that promote well-being. Course content reviews the process of recovery from addiction and mechanisms used to support long-term recovery. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 12 credit hours.

COUN 2970 SPECIAL TOPICS IN COLLEGE STUDENT DEVELOPMENT (1-3) DSL. Selected topics in college student development. Fall, Spring. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 12 credit hours.

COUN 3000 CAREER SUCCESS (2) LEC. 2. Developing a career plan via instruction on researching careers, writing resumes, developing portfolios, interviewing, net working and other career development practices. May count either COUN 3000 or COUN 3003.

COUN 3100 COUNSELING AND HUMAN SERVICES (3) LEC. 3. Counseling concepts and skills appropriate in the helping professions. Not open to graduate students in counseling education.

COUN 3980 SUPERVISED RESEARCH EXPERIENCE IN COUNSELING (3) LAB. 3. SU. This course provides students with the opportunity to gain supervised research experience in counselor education, counseling psychology, and special education programs. Students will work with the faculty instructor to gain experience in a range of research activities. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 12 credit hours.

COUN 4000 INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. COUN 2000. Current theory, research, and practice regarding counseling and psychotherapy. We will cover several current issues related relevant to counseling and psychotherapy, including the process of change, theoretical perspectives, ethical issues.

COUN 4010 INTRODUCTION TO PREVENTION AND MENTAL HEALTH PROMOTION (3) LEC. 3. Pr. COUN 2000. Addressing the ideas of prevention and health promotion in counseling psychology. We will address such concepts as positive psychology, mindfulness, stress, health promotion, body image, social justice theory, social advocacy, and prevention theory.

COUN 4910 PRACTICUM (1-3) PRA. SU. This course provides students with the opportunity to be actively involved in social justice efforts that affect the region and nation through gaining hands-on experience in a social justice agency. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

COUN 4970 SPECIAL TOPICS IN COUNSELING (3) DSL/ST1. Introduction to selected topic in counseling. Course will provide a semester-long introduction and introduction into research in the topic of interest using a seminar style of instruction. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

COUN 7010 MEDICAL VOC & PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF DISABILITY (3) LEC. 3. An introduction to medical terminology, body systems, common physical and cognitive conditions therapeutic/restorative services, and psychosocial & vocational considerations of various disabilities. May count COUN 7010, COUN 7016, RSED 6010 or RSED 6016.

COUN 7110 OCCUPATIONAL, CAREER AND PLACEMENT SERVICES (3) DR1/LEC. The course is designed to familiarize students with career theory and methods used by rehabilitation practitioners to analyze and apply vocational techniques to place individuals with disabilities. May count COUN 7110, COUN 7116, RSED 6220 or RSED 6226.

COUN 7130 VOCATIONAL EVALUATION (3) LEC. 3. Principles, process and techniques used to diagnose vocationally-related assets and liabilities of the individual with disabilities. May count either RSED 7130, RSED 7136, COUN 7130, or COUN 7136.

COUN 7200 INTRODUCTION TO MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. COUN 7100 or (COUN 7400 or COUN 7406) or COUN 8530. Introduction to the history and theory of measurement and assessment as it applies to counselors and psychologists.

COUN 7220 INTELLECTUAL ASSESSMENT OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. COUN 7200. Theory and measurement of children's intelligence. Administration and interpretation of selected tests.

COUN 7230 CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND VOCATIONAL APPRAISAL (3) LEC. 3. Career development theories appraising vocationally related interests, aptitudes, and personal characteristics. Laboratory practice in test procedures.

COUN 7240 COUNSELING CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (3) LEC. 3. Course provides awareness, knowledge, and skills for counseling children and adolescents using effective theoretical approaches, counseling modalities, and specific techniques. May count either COUN 7240 or COUN 7246.

COUN 7250 ADVANCED ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS IN COUNSELING (3) LEC. 3. Assessment/diagnostic skills related to counseling: intake, assessment, diagnostic criteria, treatment planning, counseling interventions. May count either COUN 7250 or COUN 7256.

COUN 7310 COUNSELING APPLICATIONS OF LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT (3) LEC. 3. Theories and current research in development across the lifespan with emphasis on applications to counseling. May count either COUN 7310 or COUN 7316.

COUN 7320 COUNSELING THEORIES (3) LEC. 3. Study of major counseling theories.

COUN 7330 COUNSELING DIVERSE POPULATIONS (3) LEC. 3. Departmental approval. Special counseling and advocacy issues. Needs of diverse populations are considered.

COUN 7340 GROUP COUNSELING (3) LEC. 3. Leading, developing, evaluating a counseling group; including group proposal, session development, group dynamics, group leadership and evaluation, treatment planning; group intervention, counseling skills.

COUN 7350 INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELING PRACTICE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (COUN 7320 or COUN 7326) or COUN 7400 or COUN 8530. Methods, interventions, and skills essential to counseling.

COUN 7360 ADVANCED COUNSELING PRACTICE (3) LEC. 3. An intensive study of advanced counseling skills with supervised experience. Class format will include lecture, group discussion, role play, case and videotaped counseling practice analysis, observational analysis and evaluation of counseling techniques.

COUN 7370 FOUNDATIONS OF SUBSTANCE USE COUNSELING (3) LEC. 3. Provides knowledge of the nature of substance abuse, drug classification, models of addiction, assessment and diagnosis, treatment, and related issues. May count COUN 7370, COUN 7376, RSED 6340, or RSED 6346.

COUN 7400 ORIENTATION TO PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING (3) LEC. 3. Orientation to the counseling field with emphasis on philosophical, historical, psychological, and organizational foundations of professional practice.

COUN 7410 ORIENTATION TO CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING (3) LEC. 3. Orientation to clinical mental health counseling to include roles, responsibilities, systems, theories, professional issues, and history.

COUN 7420 ORIENTATION TO SCHOOL COUNSEL (3) LEC. 3. Orientation to the role and activities of the K-12 school counselor. Emphasis on the components of a developmentally-oriented school counseling program.

COUN 7450 FOUNDATIONS OF SCHOOL COUNSELING (3) LEC. 3. This course is designed to extend beyond the orientation to counseling course and expand the practical knowledge of school counselors-in-training to prepare students to work as effective school counselors based on current research and practical experiences. Restricted to students in Master's Program in School Counseling.

COUN 7460 LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY FOR SCHOOL COUNSELORS (3) LEC. 3. This course is designed to provide an overview of school counseling leadership and advocacy. School counselors in training will develop a deeper knowledge of their role of educational leaders while serving as school counselors. Restricted to students in Counselor Education.

COUN 7500 CRISIS INTERVENTION IN COUNSELING (3) LEC. 3. Development of skills and knowledge for crisis intervention and management in counseling, including prevention planning, intervention strategies and evaluation.

COUN 7510 ADVANCED CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING INTERVENTIONS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. COUN 7320 or COUN 7326. Advanced counseling interventions, practices, techniques and methods for mental health counselors, including treatment planning, counseling processes, and evaluation.

COUN 7520 INTRODUCTION TO REHABILITATION AND CASE MANAGEMENT IN REHABILITATION COUNSELING (3) LEC. 3. Program organization and development of materials for curriculum improvement and teaching practices in a disability specialization area. COUN 7520 and COUN 7526 may be repeated for a maximum combined total of 9 credits with a change in disability specialization.

COUN 7900 DIRECTED STUDIES (1-3) IND. SU. Independent learning effort directed at desired objectives. Includes evaluation by professor and student at regular intervals. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

COUN 7910 PRACTICUM (3) LEC. 3. SU. Supervised experiences appropriate to student's program emphasis area. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

COUN 7920 INTERNSHIP (1-9) INT. SU. Pr. COUN 7910 or COUN 7916. Supervised on-the-job experiences. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

COUN 7930 ADVANCED THEORIES IN COUNSELING PRACTICE (3) LEC. 3. Intensive study of advanced theories within rehabilitation counseling, as well as an examination of outcome research relating to the use and application of these theories and techniques. May count COUN 7930, COUN 7936, RSED 7940 or RSED 7946.

COUN 7950 EMERGING ADULTHOOD AND TRANSITION IN REHABILITATION (3) LEC. Introduction to the transition process of youth with disabilities from school to adulthood and employment with emphasis on the developmental stage emerging adulthood. May count COUN 7950, COUN 7956, RSED 7950 or RSED 7956.

COUN 7960 SPECIAL PROBLEMS (1-10) IND. SU. May be taken more than one semester. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credit hours.

COUN 7970 SPECIAL TOPICS (1-3) AAB. An in-depth study of a current topic(s) impacting the professions related to departmental programs. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

COUN 8110 COUNSELING ASSESSMENT ACROSS THE LIFESPAN (3) LEC. 3. Development, administration, scoring and interpretation of personality, interest, aptitude, achievement, and attitude tests across the lifespan.

COUN 8120 APPRAISAL IN COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Development, administration, scoring and interpretation of personality, interest, aptitude, achievement, attitude tests. Includes assessment interview, behavioral observation.

COUN 8200 INTELLECTUAL ASSESSMENT OF ADULTS (3) LEC. 2. LAB. 3. Pr. COUN 8120. Theory and measurement of adult intelligence. Administration and interpretation of selected tests.

COUN 8210 TEST ADMINISTRATION AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. COUN 7200 or ERMA 8350 or FOUN 8350 and COUN 7210. Coreq. COUN 8200. Administration and scoring of selected tests, primarily WAIS-IV, to familiarize students with measurements for assessment of adult intelligence.

COUN 8220 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH (3) LEC. 3. Pr. PSYC 7150 and PSYC 7180 and COUN 7330 and COUN 7310. In this course, fundamental science relating to health and psychology will be reviewed, focusing on major theoretical foundations, research findings, and empirically supported interventions. Students will be expected to integrate foundational knowledge in psychological science with particular emphasis on biological.

COUN 8230 COLLOQUIUM IN COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY I (1) SEM. 1. SU. This course provides pre-practicum students with training in the conduct of counseling psychology research to provide foundational skills in research design and implementation.

COUN 8240 COLLOQUIUM IN COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY II (2) LAB. 1, LAB/SEM. 1. SU. This course provides continued education and training in counseling psychology research and provides opportunities to demonstrate an ability to evaluate psychotherapy research in order to achieve readiness for practicum in research skills.

COUN 8250 COLLOQUIUM IN COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY III (3) LAB. 1, LAB/SEM. 2. Pr. COUN 8240. This course provides advanced education and training in the development, conduct, and dissemination of counseling psychology research and provides opportunities to demonstrate an ability to contribute to meaningful scholarship in Counseling Psychology.

COUN 8260 COLLOQUIUM IN COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY IV (3) LAB. 1, SEM. 2. Pr. COUN 8250. This course provides advanced education and training in the development, conduct, and dissemination of counseling psychology research and provides opportunities to demonstrate an ability to integrate concepts of equity and justice in the contribution to meaningful scholarship in Counseling Psychology.

COUN 8300 RESEARCH DESIGN IN COUNSELING AND EVALUATION (3) LEC. 3. Departmental approval. Methods for counseling research design . Studies, experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental, survey, between subjects and within subjects.

COUN 8310 COGNITION AND EMOTION (3) LEC. 3. Theory and empirical evidence on the cognitive and affective bases of human behavior. Integration of scientific knowledge regarding cognition and emotion.

COUN 8320 GREAT IDEAS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. Orientation to the individuals and ideas that shaped psychology using a history and systems perspective.

COUN 8400 PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) LEC. Scientific foundations of the counseling psychology profession and application of that foundational knowledge in counseling interventions. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

COUN 8510 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN COUNSELOR EDUCATION (3) LEC. 3. Departmental approval. History, development, current issues. Philosophical assumptions, legal and ethical considerations, new research service initiatives.

COUN 8530 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. History, development, and current professional issues. Philosophical and cultural assumptions, legal and ethical considerations, and current research topics.

COUN 8540 COUN SUPERVISION-THEORY & PRAC (3) LEC. 3. Advanced theories, skills, models and methods used in counseling supervision including counselor development, supervisory processes and evaluation.

COUN 8550 COUNSELOR EDUCATION PEDAGOGY (3) LEC. 3. Counselor Education pedagogical skills and knowledge including; theories, course and curriculum development methods, and professional responsibilities. May count either COUN 8550 or COUN 8556.

COUN 8610 ADVANCED THEORIES: EXISTENTIAL/HUMANISTIC (3) LEC. 3. Theory and practice of humanistic/existential approaches to individual and group therapy.

COUN 8620 ADVANCED COUNSELING THEORIES AND PRACTICE (3) LEC. 3. Advanced study of counseling theories. Includes research relating to application of theories and techniques. Course will emphasize integration, evidence-based approaches, case conceptualization and models for evaluation.

COUN 8630 ADVANCED THEORIES: PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORIES (3) LEC. 3. Departmental approval. The origins, current status, and emerging applications of psychodynamic approaches to counseling.

COUN 8700 DIVERSITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE IN COUNSELOR EDUCATION (3) LEC. 3. Must be admitted to the Counselor Education Doctoral Program. This advanced course provides students with information about issues of diversity and social justice. Students apply this information to their roles in the counseling profession, specifically as future counselor educators, leaders of the profession, and advocates.

COUN 8800 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNSHIP SKILLS (3) LEC. 3. This three-hour required course is designed to help students solidify their professional identity and effectively apply for their one-year Counseling Psychology internship.

COUN 8910 PRACTICUM (1-3) LEC. 1-3. SU. Advanced supervised experiences appropriate to student's program emphasis. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 15 credit hours.

COUN 8920 INTERNSHIP (1-9) INT. SU. Advanced supervised on-the-job experiences appropriate to doctoral-level study. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

COUN 8930 INTERNSHIP IN COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY (0) INT. SU. Departmental approval. Supervised, full-time experience in Counseling Psychology at the doctoral level. May be repeated to satisfy 2000 clock hour accreditation requirement.

COUN 8970 SPECIAL TOPICS (1-3) SEM. An in-depth study of the current educational, sociological, psychological, economic, health, legal, technological, and professional issues impacting the professions related to departmental programs. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.