Auburn Bulletin 2024-2025

Agricultural Economics - AGEC


AGEC 1000 GLOBAL ISSUES IN FOOD, AGRICULTURE, DEVELOPMENT, AND ENVIRONMENT (3) LEC. 3. To expose students to global issues in food, agriculture, development, and natural resource/environmental economics and to learn about career opportunities in the field.

AGEC 3010 AGRIBUSINESS MARKETING (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027). Principles and problems of marketing farm and agribusiness products including marketing methods, channels, structures, and institutions. May count either AGEC 3010 or AGEC 3013.

AGEC 3050 FARM APPRAISAL (2) LEC. 2. Theory of land values; terminology, processes and procedures for alternative appraisal purposes; factors affecting value; and evaluation of appraisal methods.

AGEC 3080 FUTURES AND OPTIONS MARKETING (2) LEC. 2. Pr. (ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027). Functions, institutions, economic performance, and practices and procedures involved in utilizing futures and options markets to manage market price risks.

AGEC 3100 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. P/C STAT 2010 or P/C STAT 2017 or P/C STAT 2510 or P/C STAT 2513 or P/C STAT 2610 or P/C BUAL 2600. Analytical methods for agricultural economics: spreadsheet applications, optimization, regression, budgeting, and risk management.

AGEC 3200 QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (MATH 1680 or MATH 1610) and AGEC 3100. The course covers mathematical and econometric models for the quantitative analysis of problems in food, agricultural, development and resource/environmental economics.

AGEC 3300 AGRICULTURAL POLICIES AND TRADE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ECON 2020 or ECON 2027 or ECON 2023. Public policies affecting agriculture. Theory and significance of international trade, distribution of production and trade, issues and policies, and influence of exchange rates.

AGEC 3920 AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS INTERNSHIP (1-3) INT. SU. Departmental approval. Practical experience with agricultural business firms and agencies including finance, farm supply, production, marketing and sales and government. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

AGEC 3950 CAREERS IN AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS (1) LEC. 1. SU. To develop skills to find a job and learn about career opportunities in agricultural business and economics.

AGEC 4000 PRINCIPLES OF AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (ECON 2020 or ECON 2027 or ECON 2023). Economics and business principles applied to agriculture: business formation, composing and analyzing financial statements, financial analysis and decision-making functions of management, capital budgeting and investment decisions. (Credit will not be given to majors in AGEC, ECON, or business).

AGEC 4040 AGRIBUSINESS FINANCE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027) and (ACCT 2110 or ACCT 2117 or ACCT 2810) and (STAT 2010 or STAT 2017 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2513 or STAT 2610 or BUAL 2600). ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027 with minimum grade of C. Economic problems and policies in financing agriculture.

AGEC 4047 HONORS AGRIBUSINESS FINANCE (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027) and (ACCT 2110 or ACCT 2117 or ACCT 2810) and (STAT 2010 or STAT 2017 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2513 or STAT 2610 or BUAL 2600). ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027 with minimum grade of C. Economic problems and policies in financing agriculture.

AGEC 4070 AGRICULTURAL LAW (3) LEC. 3. Recognition of legal problems associated with property ownership, contracts, torts, financing, estate planning and environmental controls and restrictions.

AGEC 4100 AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES (2) LEC. 2. Principles and problems of organizing and operating farmers' cooperative buying and selling associations.

AGEC 4120 ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS (3) LEC. 3. Economic principles related to common property, public goods, property rights, externalities and resource scarcity and allocation applied to current issues.

AGEC 4960 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (1-2) IND. Departmental approval. Individual or group projects with a faculty member in agricultural economics or agribusiness. May include research, data analysis or a combination of these. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours.

AGEC 4967 HONORS SPECIAL PROBLEMS (1-3) IND. Pr. Honors College. Membership in the Honors College required; Topics in agricultural economics. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.

AGEC 4970 SPECIAL TOPICS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (1-3) LEC. 1-3. Departmental approval. Topics of special interest in agricultural economics. May be repeated with change of topic. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

AGEC 4980 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH (2-4) IND. Departmental approval. Directed research in the area of specialty within the department. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours.

AGEC 4997 HONORS THESIS (1-3) LEC. 3. Pr. Honors College. Directed research and writing of honors thesis. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.

AGEC 5010 FARM MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (MATH 1680 or MATH 1683 or MATH 1610 or MATH 1613) and (ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027) and (STAT 2010 or STAT 2017 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2513 or STAT 2610 or BUAL 2600) and (ACCT 2110 or ACCT 2117 or ACCT 2810) and AGEC 3100. ECON 2020 or 2023 or 2027 minimum grade of C. Principles of economics applied to agriculture; uses of farm records to improve management of the farm; developing enterprise budgets and use in preparing a profit-maximizing farm plan.

AGEC 5030 AGRICULTURAL PRICES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (STAT 2010 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2610 or BUAL 2600) and (MATH 1680 or MATH 1610) and ECON 3020. Functions of prices and principles of supply and demand in price determination for agricultural products and markets. Statistical estimation of price and demand relationships. Spring. May count either AGEC 5030 or AGEC 6030.

AGEC 5090 ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS I (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ECON 3020. Supply, demand, future requirements and availability of environmental and natural resources plus institutional framework affecting and conditioning such use through property rights, zoning, taxation, etc. May count either AGEC 5090 or AGEC 6090.

AGEC 5100 AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027) and AGEC 3100 and ACCT 2210 or ACCT 2217 or ACCT 2810 and P/C AGEC 4040. Principles and problems in acquiring or starting, organizing, and operating successful agribusiness; financial and operational efficiency; human resource and public relations; decision-making tools. May count either AGEC 5100 or AGEC 6100.

AGEC 5210 ADVANCED AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 5100 and ECON 3020 and MATH 1690 and (STAT 2010 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2610). Case studies, managerial economics. May count either AGEC 5210 or AGEC 6210.

AGEC 5250 BIG DATA FOR AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 3200. To expose students to essential tools for acquiring, managing, and visualizing large datasets in agribusiness.

AGEC 6010 FARM MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (MATH 1680 or MATH 1683 or MATH 1610 or MATH 1613 or MATH 1617) and (ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027) and (STAT 2010 or STAT 2017 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2513 or STAT 2610 or BUAL 2600 or BUAL 2603) and (ACCT 2110 or ACCT 2113 or ACCT 2117 or ACCT 2810 or ACCT 2813) and AGEC 3100. ECON 2020/ECON 2027 minimum grade of C. Principles of economics applied to agriculture; uses of farm records to improve management of the farm; developing enterprise budgets and use in preparing a profit-maximizing farm plan.

AGEC 6030 AGRICULTURAL PRICES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (MATH 1680 or MATH 1683 or MATH 1610 or MATH 1613 or MATH 1617) and (STAT 2010 or STAT 2017 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2513 or STAT 2610 or BUAL 2600 or BUAL 2603) and ECON 3020. Functions of prices and principles of supply and demand in price determination for agricultural products and markets. Statistical estimation of price and demand relationships. Spring.

AGEC 6090 ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS I (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ECON 3020. Supply, demand, future requirements and availability of environmental and natural resources plus institutional framework affecting and conditioning such use through property rights, zoning, taxation, etc.

AGEC 6100 AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (ECON 2020 or ECON 2023 or ECON 2027) and (ACCT 2210 or ACCT 2217 or ACCT 2810) and P/C AGEC 4040. Principles and problems in acquiring or starting, organizing, and operating successful agribusiness; financial and operational efficiency; human resource and public relations; decision-making tools.

AGEC 6210 ADVANCED AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 6100 and ECON 3020 and MATH 1690 and (STAT 2010 or STAT 2510 or STAT 2513 or STAT 2610). Case studies, managerial economics.

AGEC 6250 BIG DATA FOR AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) LEC. 3. To expose students to essential tools for acquiring, managing, visualizing, and analyzing large datasets in agribusiness.

AGEC 7000 ADVANCED AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 6090 and (AGEC 3300 or AGEC 6030 or AGEC 5030). Food and farm problems and related governmental actions from historical, political and analytical viewpoints. Welfare economics and other procedures used to evaluate costs and benefits of existing and proposed governmental programs and actions affecting agriculture, environment and the consumer.

AGEC 7030 ADVANCED AGRICULTURAL PRICES (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 6030 and ECON 6020. Theory and measurement of farm supply, retail demand and marketing-margin relationships. Introduction to equilibrium-displacement modeling.

AGEC 7080 PRODUCTION ECONOMICS I (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ECON 6020. Resource allocation and efficiency of production in the firm, between firms, and between agriculture and other industries.

AGEC 7090 RESOURCE ECONOMICS II (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 6090. Analysis of institutional and economic factors affecting use of natural resources including economic feasibility/conservation, benefit-cost analysis, environmental controls and other interventions.

AGEC 7100 OPERATIONS RESEARCH METHODS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (3) LEC. 3. Optimization techniques with emphasis on linear programming and its extensions applied to agriculture. General theoretical background and associated computational procedures are used for presentation of models and modeling techniques.

AGEC 7110 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ECON 2020 or ECON 2027 or ECON 2023. Conceptual and empirical analysis of economic development with emphasis on the lesser developed areas and countries. Analysis of financial and technical aid to other countries case studies of development problems.

AGEC 7200 AQUACULTURAL ECONOMICS I (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ECON 2020 or ECON 2027 or ECON 2023. Application of economic theories and principles to production, marketing, and consumption of aquacultural enterprises and products. Role of aquaculture in economic development.

AGEC 7590 INTRODUCTION TO AGRICULTURAL ECONOMETRICS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. (MATH 1610 or MATH 1613 or MATH 1617) and STAT 2610. Regression analysis in economic research. Model specification and estimation plus introduction to detection and correction of violations of assumptions of OLS. Hypothesis testing, dummy variables, heteroschedasticity, autocorrelation and measurement errors.

AGEC 7690 MICROECONOMETRICS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS I (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 7590. The focus will be on implementation and interpretation, as well as on the microeconomic foundations of the econometric models covered in the course.

AGEC 7700 RESEARCH METHODS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ECON 7130 and AGEC 7590. Overview of the philosophy of science, detailed discussion of how various research tools are used to perform applied research in agricultural economics.

AGEC 7960 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (1-3) AAB. Departmental approval required; Individualized direction/instruction by faculty on research, teaching and/or outreach issues. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

AGEC 7970 SPECIAL TOPICS IN AGRIC ECON (3) LEC. 3. Departmental approval. New topics in agricultural and applied economics.

AGEC 7990 RESEARCH AND THESIS (1-10) MST. Course may be repeated with change in topics.

AGEC 8060 THEORY OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 7590 and ECON 6020. Theory and methods for estimating complete demand systems (e.g., LES, Translog, ALIDS, and Rotterdam) for food products. Introduction to imperfect competition models.

AGEC 8080 PRODUCTION ECONOMICS II (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 7080. Firm-level economics problems are extended. Consideration of the influence of risk on firm behavior; empirical analysis of theoretical problems; welfare analysis; technical change; impacts of research investments.

AGEC 8090 FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL POLICY (3) LEC. 3. Pr. ECON 6020 or ECON 7000 or ECON 7110. The course will cover current issues in the economics and policies associated with food, food production and marketing.

AGEC 8690 MICROECONOMETRICS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS II (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 8310. The focus will be on implementation and interpretation, as well as on the microeconomic foundations of the econometric models covered in the course. May count either AGEC 8310 or AGEC 8690.

AGEC 8890 TOPICS IN AGRICULTURAL MICROECONOMETRICS (3) LEC. 3. Pr. AGEC 8690. This course is meant to assimilate knowledge acquired throughout core coursework in the Agricultural Economics PhD program.

AGEC 8990 RESEARCH AND DISSERTATION (1-10) DSR. Course may be repeated with change in topics.